入境烏茲別克也絕對是殊不簡單的功夫. 大部份國籍的旅客都必須先取得烏國外交部所發出的邀請函Letter Of Invitation (LOI)才能入境. 香港並沒有代辦的旅行社, 基本上所有旅客都必須透過當地旅行社辦理LOI. 我也找了上Anna和E娃光顧過的agent, Mr Rustam Muslimov幫我辦理LOI及編排行程. 她們兩位對Rustam也有很高評價, 所以我也懶得週圍去格價.
Rustam很快給我回覆, 如我所料, 他說吉國9月尾會開始下雨, 要是到山區旅遊會很冷. 故此我決定今次只去烏茲別克.
跟Rustam 確定行程巳是8月30日, 他說需要護照副本及公司employment letter才可替我辦理LOI.
9月4日收到公司給我的employment letter, 馬上通知Rustam替我辦LOI. 網上很多資料都說批核LOI需時2個星期, 但我好好彩, 9月13日便收到了.
一日未知LOI批唔批, 我也不敢訂機票, 只得每天上大韓航空網留意住售票情況. 收到LOI很高興, 馬上訂票去. 好彩仲有位, 機票價連稅HK$5,994. 比前一星期貴重了$51!
Day 01: Seoul - Tashkent, September 25, 2012
Arrive in Tashkent, transfer to the hotel. Overnight at the hotel in Tashkent.
Day 02: Tashkent, September 26, 2012
Breakfast at the hotel. Sightseeing Tashkent, including visits to Chorsu Bazar in the old city part of Tashkent, Kukuldash Mosque and Khast Imom - official religious center for Muslims in Central Asia, consists of Barak
Khan Madrassa (16 cent), Tilla Shaykh Mosque - the Osman Koran, believed to be world's oldest Koran is kept in the library of this Mosque, a mausoleum of Abu Bakr Kaffal Shoshi an Islamic scholar of 13-14th century,
Abdul Kasim madrassah, metro. Free time. Overnight at the hotel in Khiva.
Day 03: Tashkent - Bukhara, September 27, 2012
Breakfast at the hotel. Transfer to the airport. Morning 7:30 am flight to Bukhara. Transfer to the hotel. Sightseeing of Bukhara: Ismail Samonid mausoleum (a burial place of the Samani dynasty founder Ismail Samani,
10th century), Kalon Minaret and Poi Kalon Mosque, Miri Arab Madrassa(16th century), Ulugbek Madrassa (15th century) and AbdilazizkhanMadrassa (17th c), Magoki Attory Mosque (12th c), Lyabi House complex, Ark
Fortress, Chor Minor. Overnight at the hotel in Bukhara.
Day 04: Bukhara, September 28, 2012
Breakfast at the hotel. Continue sightseeing outside of Bukhara:
Nakshbandi Mausoleum, Chor Bakr, Sitori-Mohi Khosa palace. Free time. Overnight at the hotel in Bukhara.
Day 05: Bukhara - Aydar Kul, September 29, 2012
Breakfast at the hotel. Drive to Aydar Kul lake (the road takes about 2.5 hours, 3.5 with stops) via Gijduvan: visit ceramic workshop. Continue to Aydar Kul lake camping. Settlement in Kazakh Yurts. In the evening learn
how to ride camels. Dinner around the fire with Kazakh akin singing Kazakh national songs. Overnight in the Yurts.
Day 06: Aydar Kul - Nuratau mountains, September 30, 2012
Breakfast. Camel riding in Kyzylkum. Drive to Aydarkul lake. Afterlunch drive to Hayat village (1.5 hours). Settlement at Shiringul’s guesthouse.Guided tour through the village. From a hill near the guesthouse, guests have a chance to observe the rare endemic sheep (Severzov Argali) in a breeding enclosure operated by the Nature Reservation Organisation. Dinner. Overnight at the guesthouse.
Day 07: Nuratau mountains - Samarkand, October 01, 2012
Breakfast. Trekking in the mountains (you can hire horse or donkey).Picnic. Drive to Samarkand (3 hours), settlement at the hotel. Overnight at the hotel in Samarkand.
Day 08: Samarkand, October 02, 2012
Breakfast at the hotel. Sightseeing Samarkand, which will include:famous Registan Square (with Madrassa Sherdor 17th century, Tilla Koriand Ulugbek 15th century), Shokhi Zinda Nekropole (importantpilgrimage place in Samarkand), remains of grandiose Bibi Khanum Mosque, Gur Emir-Mausoleum (where conqueror Amir Temur (Tamerlane),
his two sons and two grandsons are buried, 15th century), UlugbekObservatory. Overnight at the hotel in Samarkand.
Day 09: Samarkand - Tashkent, October 03, 2012
Breakfast at the hotel. Free time. Drive to Tashkent (4 hours). Arrive in Tashkent. Settlement at the hotel. Overnight at the hotel in Tashkent.
Day 10: Tashkent - Kokand - Fergana, October 04, 2012
Breakfast at the hotel. Drive to Fergana via Kokand (2.5-3 hours): visiting the Palace of the ruler of Kokand, 19th century, Narbutebay Madrassa and Juma Mosque. Continue to Fergana via Rishtan: visit ceramic workshop.
Arrive in Fergana, settlement at the hotel. Overnight at the hotel in Fergana.
Day 11: Fergana - Tashkent - Seoul, October 05, 2012
Breakfast at the hotel. Visit Margilan Silk factory. Drive toTashkent (4 hours). Transfer to the airport, departure.
是次旅程之所以可以能夠順順利利去到等待出發這個步驟, 除了感謝Anna和E娃, 還要多謝銀仔, lung及larry225各人所提供的寶貴資訊啊!
2 則留言:
[1733回覆12/14/2012 17:06:44]呢D叫做無私奉獻嘛。
[版主回覆12/14/2012 17:05:03]係呀. 大部份的資訊都是多得熱心的blog友提供.
嘩!!! 有我份呀~
[銀仔回覆12/20/2012 13:35:45]做足準備,咁就萬無一失啦〜
[版主回覆12/20/2012 11:41:31]都唔係架, 之前都花了個幾兩個月時間去了解呢個國家有乜嘢值得我睇才決定去馬. 仲有香港人用乜嘢護照入境, 都上網問左好多人, 但個個都有唔同答案, 呢個國家d政策成日變, 要自己好清楚最update程序至得. 另外, 唔係agent俾個乜嘢itin我, 我就confirm. 我都要睇下那幾地方有乜嘢睇,同埋佢安排乜嘢交通路線俾我, 順行定reverse方向行. 佢suggest俾我d酒店, 我間間都會上trip advisor睇下reviews, 又會google睇下喺邊度, 會唔會係山卡拉. 所以都同個agent back and forth左一排, itin要佢改左幾次. 另一樣麻煩, 就係要就飛機班次, 大韓唔係日日有機往返烏茲別克, Tashkent又唔係日日有機去Bukhara.
[銀仔回覆12/20/2012 11:12:34]唔使多謝~ 你揾Agent幫你攪都唔使點煩丫~
[版主回覆12/20/2012 10:50:22]係呀, 好多謝你寫blog, 咁我才可以知多d烏國的資料.